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snippet: Estimated annualized earthquake losses for the conterminousUnited States and Washinton, DC, using 2014 National Seismic Hazard Maps, Values shown in il
summary: Estimated annualized earthquake losses for the conterminousUnited States and Washinton, DC, using 2014 National Seismic Hazard Maps, Values shown in il
extent: [[-178.217613974199,18.921789854446],[-66.9692706189639,71.4062351041156]]
accessInformation: California Geological Survey, California Department of Conservation; Jaiswal et al (2015)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data show estimated annualized earthquake losses for the conterminous United States and Washington, DC. Efforts to reduce the losses from earthquakes have already proved effective. Californias enhanced building codes; strengthened highway structures; higher standards for school and university, police and fire station construction; and well-prepared emergency management and response agencies reduced deaths, injuries and damage in recent earthquakes. Strengthening of older buildings, gaining a better understanding of Californias earthquake threat, and continued education and preparedness will pay an even greater dividend to Californians in speeding response after future earthquakes. This study estimated nationwide losses to be approximately $4.5 billion per year (in 2012 dollars), roughly 80% of which can be attributed to the states of California, Oregon, and Washington.
licenseInfo: None
title: National Loss from Earthquake Damage, Conterminous United States (2014 Estimate)
type: Map Service
tags: ["Earthquake Loss","US","Jaiswal"]
culture: en-US
name: MS48_EarthquakeLoss
guid: 1E4647CC-E9CB-44C9-B173-96BA1A48EBC1
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere